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The development, efficiency, and diversity of the world's crop regions

Growing Global: Evolution of the World’s Crop Regions

Variety with a Side
of Efficiency

Think about the amazing choices food consumers have today. South American quinoa, Spanish olives, English cucumbers, French wines, North African couscous, California berries, Asian curries. This abundance was made possible by a combination of climate, soil suitability, logistics, economics, modern agricultural practices, and digital technology.

In celebration of this tremendous diversity and abundance, let’s take a closer look at three regions around the world. They offer a snapshot of the ways that climate pressures, local infrastructure, and technology support agriculture. You’ll notice that some crops can grow in a variety of regions and soils, like corn, wheat, potatoes, and soybeans. Others require specific latitudes, climates, and soils, like rice, olives, coffee, and sugar cane.


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Regional Innovations
Leading the Way

North and South America boast some of the world’s most productive crop lands. The United States and Brazil are among the world leaders of corn and soybeans. Supporting this production is a robust system of technological innovation, including advanced breeding and genetic modification of seeds, digital tools like data analytics and precision technology, and agronomic practices like conservation tillage and no-till planting.

The Infrastructure Advantage

United States grain production also benefits from the most advanced storage and transportation infrastructure in the world. The Grain Belt, where the majority of corn, soybeans, and wheat are grown, is situated among four key river systems. The Mississippi, Illinois, Missouri, and Ohio Rivers meander throughout farm country, providing efficient and affordable transportation. Perhaps most important: these four systems converge and flow into the Gulf of Mexico, contributing crucial export value.a

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The Infrastructure Advantage

United States grain production also benefits from the most advanced storage and transportation infrastructure in the world. The Grain Belt, where the majority of corn, soybeans, and wheat are grown, is situated among four key river systems. The Mississippi, Illinois, Missouri, and Ohio Rivers meander throughout farm country, providing efficient and affordable transportation. Perhaps most important: these four systems converge and flow into the Gulf of Mexico, contributing crucial export value.a

North America

Major crops domesticated

Major crops today
Corn, soybeans, cotton, rice, wheat,
canola, fruits, tree nuts, vegetables,
and sugars from cane and beets

Soil typesb
Mollisols, Ultisols, Alfisols

Climate classificationsc
Primarily temperate/mesothermal,
continental/microthermal, some dry
(arid and semi-arid)

South America

Major crops domesticated
Potatoes, tomatoes, cacao

Major crops today
Corn, soybeans, sugarcane,
ground nuts, quinoa, tree nuts, fruits,
cacao, and vegetables

Soil types
Oxisols, Ultisols

Climate conditions
Primarily tropical/megathermal,
some temperate/mesothermal,
small amount of dry (arid and semi-arid)


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to Climate Challenges

Despite the arid climate in the northern third of Africa, agriculture remains vital to the region. Cassava offers a wonderful case study in the global proliferation of crops. Native to South America, this tuber grows remarkably well in drought conditions. As a result, it is well-suited for Africa, which produces more than half the world supply in any given year.d In some nations, like Ghana for example, this single crop provides nearly a third of the local population’s caloric intake.e

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to Climate Challenges

Despite the arid climate in the northern third of Africa, agriculture remains vital to the region. Cassava offers a wonderful case study in the global proliferation of crops. Native to South America, this tuber grows remarkably well in drought conditions. As a result, it is well-suited for Africa, which produces more than half the world supply in any given year.d In some nations, like Ghana for example, this single crop provides nearly a third of the local population’s caloric intake.e


Major crops domesticated
Coffee, okra, yams, sorghum, pearl millet

Major crops today
Yams, cassava, lentils, corn, rice, palm oil, banana, plantains, fruits, vegetables

Soil types
Oxisols, Entisols, Ultisols

Climate conditions
Northern third is dry (arid and semi-arid); central third is tropical/megathermal, southern third is mix of temperate/mesothermal and dry (arid and semi-arid)


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Coastal Regions
and Rising Sea Levels

One consequence of the changing world climate is rising sea levels, which is altering the salinity of coastal waterways and soils, especially in Southeast Asia. These soils are excellent at holding water, making them ideal for rice paddies. For the region’s rice farmers, a new generation of advanced seed hybrids1 are being developed to adapt to higher soil salt levels.f In a region well known for rice production, these seed innovations are vitally important.

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Coastal Regions
and Rising Sea Levels

One consequence of the changing world climate is rising sea levels, which is altering the salinity of coastal waterways and soils, especially in Southeast Asia. These soils are excellent at holding water, making them ideal for rice paddies. For the region’s rice farmers, a new generation of advanced seed hybrids are being developed to adapt to higher soil salt levels.f In a region well known for rice production, these seed innovations are vitally important.

Middle East and
Western Asia

Major crops domesticated
Wheat, apples, barley

Major crops today
Wheat, olives, rice, cotton, fruits, vegetables

Soil types
Mollisols, Inceptisols, Entisols

Climate conditions
Primarily dry (arid and semi-arid)


Major crops domesticated
Rice, apricot, eggplant, soybean, sugar cane

Major crops today
Rice, soybeans, corn, wheat, palm oil, sugarcane, fruits, vegetables

Soil types 
Ultisols, Entisols, Inceptisols

Climate conditions
Mix of tropical/megathermal and temperate/mesothermal

Economics, Markets, and the Future

The production of crops in the most suitable regions, combined with the ability to transport crops from one region to another, contributes to what economists call comparative advantage. This theory asserts that every region ought to focus on doing or growing what it does best, and should trade with other regions who are doing the same. Everyone benefits from the efficiencies produced.

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Economics, Markets, and the Future

The production of crops in the most suitable regions, combined with the ability to transport crops from one region to another, contributes to what economists call comparative advantage. This theory asserts that every region ought to focus on doing or growing what it does best, and should trade with other regions who are doing the same. Everyone benefits from the efficiencies produced.


New Technology and Market Access

The use of technology will continue to be important to a growing world impacted by a changing climate. Digital tools like software, advanced data analytics, and satellite weather technology help farmers grow their crops as efficiently as possible. These tools help farmers produce stronger crops, reduce their impact on the environment, waste less food, and find markets for their crops, all with tremendous precision and efficiency.

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New Technology and Market Access

The use of technology will continue to be important to a growing world impacted by a changing climate. Digital tools like software, advanced data analytics, and satellite weather technology help farmers grow their crops as efficiently as possible. These tools help farmers produce stronger crops, reduce their impact on the environment, waste less food, and find markets for their crops, all with tremendous precision and efficiency.


The Future Looks Bright

As more farmers around the world gain access to new technologies and new markets, everyone can benefit. Farmers can have more stable and successful operations, consumers can have access to more and more choices, and the planet can benefit from the efficiency and precision that lead to less impact on and use of natural resources.

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