Modern agriculture is an evolving approach to agricultural innovations and farming practices that helps farmers increase efficiency and reduce the amount of natural resources—water, land, and energy—necessary to meet the world’s food, fuel, and fiber needs. Modern agriculture is driven by continuous improvements in digital tools and data, as well as collaborations among farmers and researchers across the public and private sectors.
For modern agriculture, using data means using less natural resources. Discover the technologies helping farmers measure, analyze, and optimize the resources they use.
How will climate change affect farming?
Growing Organic and Conventional Crops
Farmers have many options when it comes to the types of crops they can grow on their land. Many see benefits in growing both organic and conventional. We talked to one farmer whose family has seen success adding an organic crop to their operation.
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Growing Efficiently with Green Data
Digital tools like data analytics are helping farmers make decisions about their operations, often helping them find ways to use less of our Earth’s precious resources.
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The Science Inside a GMO Seed
Over time, the agriculture industry has evolved to meet many challenges, like climate change. Genetically modified seed can help farmers become more efficient by empowering them to use less of our natural resources. Many people have questions about how genetic modification works and why farmers might choose to grow GM seeds.
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